Airplanes Family

Trash Cans, Preschool, Engine Overhauls, and Family Vacay.

Instead of compost, we were producing weapons grade mustard gas.

Airplanes Videos

Why Airplanes?

Good question! Check out a little video I put together to explain how airplanes can help deliver hope to forgotten corners of the world.


You Better Know What You’re Doing!

September 19, 2020 was our five year wedding anniversary which makes me think back to the day we got married, the series of events that led up to that, and the years yet to come.

Airplanes Videos

VIDEO: Flights for Christ Maule M5

This Maule M5 is an answer to prayer and helps turn a remote Haitian soccer field into a runway!


VIDEO: A Random Day-in-the-Life Vlog #1

I’m going to start filming random things every week or so and posting them because nothing helps our friends and family keep up to date like seeing our kids shenanigans with their own eyes.