August 2020 Newsletter

God Dreams Bigger Than We Dare to Hope

What do these stories have in common?

Joseph. Betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery. Slaves can’t get anywhere in life.

David. The youngest brother who had to tend the sheep because everyone else needed to be in an important meeting with the prophet. Important people don’t miss meetings.

Esther. An orphan whose people were targeted by a genocidal officer of the King. Good luck with that.

Gideon. A timid man from the least of the tribes of Israel was treading wine grapes in secret because of an oppressive army. He’ll never accomplish much.

Jesus. The son of a humble carpenter and born to a woman who became pregnant before she was married. Can anything good come out of Nazareth?

All these stories involve people who seem insignificant to the world yet they change history. We shouldn’t assume that God’s plans are only as big as the opportunities we can see in front of us. 

I often stand at the doors to Hangar A when I’m leaving at the end of the day and just marvel at how we ended up here. I didn’t think it was possible yet God had a plan that was bigger than I dared to hope.

Knowing that God uses insignificant people who are too weak to accomplish what He’s called them to do, we feel confident our family is in a perfect position to be useful.

Thank you being a significant part of our family’s story as we prepare to bring the Good News of the Gospel to remote people groups.

Engine Overhaul

A few weeks ago I had the awesome opportunity to meet the Ficker family who run a medical mission serving a rural area of Guatemala. 

You can learn more about their family ministry at

They flew their 1955 Cessna 182 from Guatemala to our hangar in Ohio. The next day Josh Adelsberger (my supervisor for the engine overhaul) and I removed the engine from the airframe and started on the overhaul process. I’m very excited to have this opportunity. There’s nothing like holding engine parts in your hand to learn how an engine works! Since the engine is being overhauled here instead of a commercial shop, the Ficker family will save an estimated $10,000 on their engine overhaul. Yea! That’s a lot of money!

Visiting A Farm

I know this makes us sound like city slickers, but the other week we paid money to feed other people’s animals for them. I know it sounds like a rip off, especially to those of you who own animals yourselves. “Give me ten bucks and I’ll let you feed my chickens,” you’re saying to me out loud as you read this. This farm had more than chickens though. They had elk, zebras, kangaroos, giraffes, llamas, bison, longhorns, and even a few Amish, although to be clear the Amish owned the farm. Since we live in town, our kids just don’t have the opportunity to be around animals so they loved the chance to get up close and personal with them. Well, except when a cow tried licking Adi in the face. That didn’t go over well. Despite all the exotic animals we saw, Elliot still preferred the horses, especially since he learned how to make “clip-clop” noises with his tongue. Elliot also learned to BAAAA like a sheep and so I’m proud to say we now have a bi-lingual one year old. 

This jaunt out to the country was extra fun because we had friends from Pennsylvania along. Thank you Andrew and Gwenda for driving so far to visit with us and tour the hangar. We love it when folks take time to come see what we’re doing at MMS Aviation. If you’d like to see for yourselves, don’t hesitate to contact us and make arrangements! (contact us here)

With Gratitude,
Josh & family

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