VIDEO: Joe Ficker with Adonai International Ministries

Here’s the latest video that will be featured on MMS Aviation’s Facebook page sometime next week. I was blessed to be able to spend time with Joe and Aaron Ficker as they spent time at MMS Aviation preparing the Cessna 182 for its 2,000 mile to Guatemala. This video means a lot to me because this trip was the first engine I overhauled. It was neat to hear first hand how the work done here in MMS Aviation’s hangars impacts the spread of the Gospel 2,000 miles away. Thanks to all our supporters who are making it possible for me to be here at MMS Aviation getting involved in God’s work around the world.

If you liked this video,

Here’s another video I made a few months ago while I was overhauling the engine mentioned in this video.

Also, check out the complete Bearhawk teardown and rebuild we did at MMS Aviation awhile back.

3 responses

  1. Josh, another good video presentation to tell the story. Good job. Praying (and prayed) for a safe, trouble-free flight to
    Central America. Once again, MMS is doing great work.

    1. Josh Snader

      Thank you for praying! Unfortunately Joe flew about two hours and experienced a trim wheel seizure upon landing. He returned to MMS for repairs. We’re thankful no one was hurt and that it happened close by and not in Mexico or Guatemala.

  2. Great job on this video, Josh! And the terrific job you are doing there at MMS during your apprenticeship. I hope to come visit again in the coming weeks and look forward to talking with you and Janice.

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